
A location-based ARG demo made to give students a tour of the University of Utah campus

Development Stats


Unity, Google Maps

Dev Time

4 Months

Team Size

8-Person Team


Engineer, Director


An Ambitious Idea

The pitch for Theatour was wildly ambitious for a one-semester class project.  I was the primary vision holder for this game, and I knew going into it that we had a lot of work ahead of us.  That's not to say that the team was unprepared for the task at hand - by using the GO Map Unity 3D asset by Alan Grant,  we kick-started our technical goals.  This was my responsibility, as the primary engineer on the project.  The highlight of this work was decoupling the game from internet-based maps, a cost-saving measure that was absolutely essential to the game's functionality.  What we were unprepared for was the  task of content production.   Our technical base was functional, but Shipping Theatour required a swath of content cuts - this affirmed my love for production.

"Ship it"

B y all reasonable metrics, the project was cursed.  From family emergencies and health issues to confusion and feature creep, it felt like everything that could go wrong on a student project, did go wrong.  Despite it all, we produced a technically impressive game!  Even in an engineering role, I found myself drawn to production tasks.  When our art team was struggling, I asked them to  "create the art you want to put on your portfolio" and this skyrocketed our buy-in.   My takeaway from that conversation was how to understand what motivates your team and how you can leverage that to create a more full and comprehensive product.
